TheWeed's page of
My Weird Life
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Things about me and my life
(I don't recommend that you read this. It's all probably gibberish so proceed at your our risk)
- I am a very weird and strange person, period. Just ask my friends.
- I talk to myself.
- I have real weird tastes: from tv shows to things I buy
- Chewing gum is a lifestyle for me. I've been known to chew one stick all day long (guess I'll have to learn to live without it for a while when I go to Singapore....)
- I am a geek: not exactly Mr Popular, I would rather be kept out of the spotlight.
- I love maths and physics. Nobody I know likes physics, don't really know why that is, but I love it to the core. It comes a close second as my favourite subject, just behind maths. It must be coz memorization is kept to a minimum and depends more on understanding and application.
- I have this thing about saving trees by using less paper..that must be the reason why I try to squeeze as much homework I can on each sheet of paper I use (just ask my teachers. sorry....)
- I work hard in order to be lazy. Sound contradictary doesn't it. Let me give you an example: I make summarized notes so that I have less to study the next time round. Understand now???
- I'm cheap, as in cheapskate cheap. One of many reasons why I won't have a girlfriend.
- I prefer to be on the outside looking in during situations.
- I prefer mornings to nights. Don't ask me why....just take it as the reason why I would rather sleep early than to sleep late in the middle of the night.
- Some of my friends call me a genius (not as in the 'Sakuragi Hanamichi' type of genius for all those 'Slamdunk' fans).
- I have no interest to be a doctor even though almost everybody I knows says that I should take it up, but no I don't think so.
- The only reason I can give for my bad handwriting would be that when I was learning to write I would take the pencil in my left hand. But my mom would put it in my right hand. So thus, I was 'forced' to write with my right hand resulting in the bad handwriting..... (none of you bought it did you...well I tried...) (though some say it's a trait of a doctor...)
- I hate being compared to others. 'I am what I am and that's all that I am'
- I get really annoyed by women/girls who, to quote Sumiko Tan of the Singapore Straits Times, 'bitch about anything and everything'. (ok, that's not exactly what she said but you get the drift)
- I do weird things that I can get my hands on....must have been the Lego's I played with when I was small. Two examples are shown below.
This 'Weed' is made from a piece of metal which is used for filing. I had to first strip of the plastic off the thing. So it doesn't look all that great but I was bored.
This 'Weed' is made from pieces of metal wire from various physics practicals...hehe. It is mounted on my name tag which only student prefects get. I definitely
- I probably need to see a psychiatrist.
- I have had to endure strange stuff in my school life. Friends, more particularly a friend, bugging me about girls among other things. It's all explained below. (He's really gonna hate me for this. hehehe)
- He writes, on the back of my pad, lyrics to songs saying that some of them describes my feelings about the girls he bugs me about...yeah watever. So in effect my pad is the wall of his 'creative graffiti'.
[He's a HUGE Mariah fanatic which is, in actual fact, a complete understatement, no kidding. He also completely despises Britney and J.Lo but loves some country singer named Brad Paisley. Despite being a crazed Mariah follower I had to correct him when he sang the lyrics to one of her more famous songs, Hero, wrongly..... 'in you'...hehe..;-).]
- He is also a real 'Channel [V]' advocate. So he'll be scribbling down titles of shows, names of vj's and what not on my pad. He is particularly interested in Asha, one of the channel's vj's (a leuk kreung is the correct term to describe her I think....)
- He even writes, on my notes, the names of these girls (yes these girls, not only one but four at the very least). The examples can't be shown here coz my notes are currently with my ex-teacher's son (hope he doesn't get any ideas and tell his dad....)
- All the actual evidence is shown below. However I'm sure I've lost some other ones somewhere. I told him about this and he is completely against me showing them but it's his fault. Who asked him to write this stuff on my pad???
Click links below to view my graffiti-ridden pads
Note: The blacked-out part are actually 'censored'. It contains fairly sensitive information...well actually it's just the initials/name of one of the girls this guy bugs me about. Well I don't want her coming after me if she were to she it now would I????
Channel [V] related scribble
Mariah related scribble
Lyric graffiti
Lyric graffiti: the sequal
Lets see... this one has Mariah and girl-buggin scribble
This one has Channel [V] and girl-buggin graffiti
This has it all: Channel [V], Mariah and girl-buggin
- I also have a pesty cousin who wants me to come visit him whenever possible. He lives in Kuala Belait, KB about 120km from my house in Bandar. He, like my Mariah-crazed friend, seems to think its his duty as well to bug me about girls, specifically a girl...not mentioning who.... So if I stay home my friend bugs me about girls and if I go to KB its the same thing. So I guess I'll just have to wait to go to university in Singapore in July 2002 (woohoo!!!! FREEDOM!!). Also whenever I go to KB I become the driver coz everybody I know there are all too young to drive...sigh... Not only that but I have to tuition my cousin....sigh.... And he doesn't even do the work I assign to him for homework....
- I don't really like reading. Must have been my mom who forced me to read books in my younger days. I'll usually only read things of interest to me.
- I don't like looking at photographs of myself. Heck I ate seeing myself period except i the mirror I guess... Don't know the reason for this, it just is. That is the reason why I will not have a picture of me on this site.
- Psychiatry is cool...must be watching too much Frasier or maybe its just due to my own mental 'issues'. Maybe that's due to my friend 'Prawn' aka Lifeless13.
- I'm not a Microsoft enthusiast at all, period. Must be them monopolising the computer market....
- I hate being forced to do things that I don't want to do or things that I know I should do and, in actual fact, will do if I was not forced. In fact I'll rebel in a way by disliking it or not doing it in the future. Take for example my disliking of reading, probably due to my mom forcing me to read when I was young. I knew I should read and would have read if my mom didn't bug me about it. Well if you're confused, welcome to the world of TheWeed's brain.
- I give too much tuition. Not that I find people to give tuition to but they find me...sigh... Physics or maths tuition isn't so bad but it's the other subjects that really bug me.
- I watch way too much tv especially now that I'm on 'holiday'.
- Interests and hobbies: